Even In Isolation, You Are Not Alone!

man, lonely, park

Especially with what is going on in the world right now. Please try to remember that You Are Not Alone! Having to isolate from people as much as possible. And with the gloomy, dark, cold weather keeping us indoors more, at least in Wisconsin. It is harder for us to stay positive and to feel happy. With those of us that struggle with depression this can be very difficult. We can start to feel very much alone and feel like this will never pass or get better.

Stop and breathe. You are not alone

It may start to feel like everybody else is handling this so much better than you. Like you are starting to question the world again or more and why you are here. Maybe you’re starting to panic and now the anxiety within you is climbing. It feels like you are loosing control. This is when we need to stop where we are and just breathe deeply. and remember that You Are Not Alone! No matter how much it feels like you are, you’re not! And this, like everything else will pass. Try to think about positive things right now. Try not to look at or listen to the news about this so much. Remember it IS going to get better. You are not alone! You are okay!

If you want, you can click here For some deep breathing techniques

“I do need time to be alone”

breathe, Regenerate, trust

I am an introvert that loves people. Also known as the extroverted introvert or Ambivert. Although I love to be around people and I like to socialize and meet new people. It is imperative that I get time alone. This helps me to regenerate. Without this alone time, I get crabby and can fall apart quickly and I start to feel very worn down. Click on this link if you would like more info on this. Extroverted Introvert

Even though I like to be alone, I know that it starts to get hard when I have too much alone time. (Too much time to think) So when things happen that are out of my control and cause me to have to be alone too much, like whats happening now in the world. I like to make sure I am doing what I can to keep my thoughts positive. Like focusing on things/people that I am grateful for. And things/people that make me feel happy. I have actually made a list of things that I can do to help me stay positive for easy reference. I have included a few of these things. Maybe some of them will help you and you can add them to your list or even help you to start a list.

My list of positive activities

list, positive activities, gratefulness list, writing, journal
  1. Make a Gratefulness Jar. Write things that I am grateful for or things that make me feel good/happy when I think about them and put them in the jar to read at another time.
  2. Turn the music up loud and sing and dance silly
  3. Smile
  4. Take Chloe (our dog) for a walk.
  5. Paint or draw
  6. Color
  7. Write
  8. Smile
  9. Take a bath with relaxing music
  10. Call a friend
  11. Read a book

I have been making this list for a few years and these are just some of the Items on it. It sometimes takes awhile to grow your list, so just starting off with one or two things on it is just fine. I do think it is so good to keep a list because sometimes the feelings of isolation and depression can sneak up on us and make it hard to think of anything off hand that will help our mood. You wont have to try to think so much when you have ideas right there in front of you.

after that cry

So, I have been practicing this positive thinking for a long time, and like I had mentioned in my last blog. When the storm Hits, I know I will never be perfect at it because I am still human 🙂 I think I have been handling this Coronaviris Pandemic, pretty well. I do trust God and know that He will get us through this! But last night I broke down and I cried to my husband. (I am so grateful for Pat and how he just held me until I was done) I told him or cried to him that I am so scared, that I am feeling claustrophobic, not knowing how bad this may get or how long it will last. And I cried until I couldn’t cry anymore. And do you know that I felt so much better and more calm after that cry!!! I feel in control again and my trust that everything will be okay is stronger today. Although, I might do that a few more times before this is over, I do know its okay. It’s so cleansing to cry. So if you are feeling like crying. Do it!! I really recommend it!

crying, sad, depressed, alone

Remember that you are not alone! We are in this together! If you need to talk or cry with someone or want to just converse. I am here for you! you can comment on this blog or you can fill out the contact form on my website. And please know that we will get through this. Hold on. Don’t give up. Just Breathe Deeply.

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4 years ago

Just what I needed to hear today. Very wise words.

4 years ago

Excellent boot and so well written! I love how you speak from the heart ❤️🙏🏻

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