When The Storm Hits: Choosing How To Navigate Through It

Well, here I go with my very first Blog…. when the storm hits: choosing how to navigate through it is trying to look through the storm to see the other side instead of thinking its the end of the world. In other words it’s learning how to think positive instead of focusing on the negative. This little shift in perspective gets me through the storms a lot easier. and I will let you know that it took a lot of practice to learn that. I’m not perfect at it and I never will be, and I’m not saying its a piece of cake going through them, because it’s not. It’s just easier. I am starting this blog in the middle of a few of my own storms. if you don’t mind, I’ll share a little bit about them.

“and i am choosing to look at this positively”

Currently I am unemployed because the non-profit I worked for had to shut it’s doors due to lack of funding. I absolutely loved it there and what I did! My heart and soul was in that job like no other job before. I loved the people I worked with ~ my co-workers, my boss, our volunteers and our guests (clients). I learned a lot there and grew so much. That non-profit was making such a huge impact in the community and was there for so many people. It breaks my heart every time I remember that it doesn’t exist anymore. Even though loosing this job is very sad, I know this is part of my journey and everybody else’s journey who was impacted by the shutting of its doors. And I am choosing to look at this positively. I am now actually excited to see what comes next. And now I have more time for this. For writing. 🙂 (Hopefully that’s a good thing.) 😉

“She was a beautiful soul”

I lost a friend recently. She died suddenly and very unexpectedly. We were friends, but didn’t spend a lot of time together. Her death impacted me greatly. We would see each other periodically and just love being around each other. She was a beautiful soul. We had the same values and our daughters played volleyball together. (That’s how we met) We would often talk about getting together more, but it just never happened. I took all of the tomorrows I have had for granted. Never did I think I would not have anymore tomorrows with her. I am choosing to look not at my loss (after I let myself grieve) but at how she has touched my life in such a beautiful way and I do know with all my heart that I will see her again some day. And I do not want to take one more tomorrow for granted.

“holding on to trust”

Someone we are very close to is struggling a lot. and is pushing everything good and positive out of his life including the people who care about him the most. My heart is breaking! He is going through something very hard right now and I can’t do anything about it but pray. I do know that this is his journey, and I will trust that God is going to use this for his good. That God loves him even more than we do. Although it is heart wrenching to watch him struggle, and not be able to fix it. I am going to believe that he’s is going to be okay and I will always hold on to that trust. I believe that because his struggle has been and is so difficult that his testimony is going to be extremely impactful! Because some of us just have to get there the hard way.

“Always Learning”

Even though I have a lot of hard things happening in my life right now, I see how far I have come when I stand back and look at how I am handling these tough things. This took time and a lot of practice! (I am still practicing and will for all of my life) Although I am always learning and I do go back and forth with being emotionally strong and falling apart. I now know how to put myself back together when I come apart. You can find some interesting articles about this under Wellness Articles at justbreathedeeply.com

“Cleansing The Toxins”

The first thing I started with was my diet. I did notice my brother-in-law on Facebook getting healthier physically and mentally and also loosing weight. So I looked into what he was doing and I found out it is a program that is mainly about deep cleansing. It cleanses the toxins out of our body at a deep level (cellular) that cleanses the visceral fat that grows around our organs and causes diseases and our minds to be bogged down. I do think its extremely important to cleanse the toxins out of our bodies and I do recommend this product, If you are interested in this at all click on Isagenix or http://www.jodywheaton.isagenix.com If you are not, just disregard it. But I hope you find one you like and use it because you are worth it!! Doing this will aid in helping you in your learning how to think positive instead of focusing on the negative. If you have any questions. email me at jody@justbreathedeeply.com or fill out the form on my contact page at http://www.justbreathedeeply.com/contact or call me at 262-305-0505. Remember the importance of learning how to think positive instead of focusing on the negative. And Just Breathe Deeply.

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4 years ago

Awesome blog cousin. A new adventure for you and so many things to write about!🙏🏻🙏🏻🤗

4 years ago

Enjoyed reading this so much. It’s very calming in a time of such uncertainty

Shelly G
Shelly G
4 years ago

Glad you found a new adventure that continues to help others! Sorry for the loss of your friend, hugs.
Love your blog, keep it up! 🥰

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