Mindfullness Activities

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Being Gratefull

Gratefulness Jar

There are many ways to do this activity.

You will need a mason jar or container of some sort. little pieces of paper (big enough to write a few sentences) and something to write with.

1.  Write on a piece of paper things that you are grateful for or things that make you feel happy. Put them in the jar or container.

I do this before I go to bed at night. This helps to relax me and actually helps me to sleep better at night.


2. Write on a piece of paper things that are causing you to feel anxious, or worry.

Put them in the jar and while you are doing this picture giving them to God and letting them go.

The more you do this the easier it will be to let things go.

Look back every month or longer. you will see that many or even all of the things that you put in the container and handed over are resolved. 

The University of Cincinnati researchers found that eighty-five percent of what we worry about NEVER HAPPENS!

Gratefulness Jar
Cartoon writing on pieces of paper
Sleeping in Cloud
Being Calm

Deep Breathing

Deep breathing increases the supply of oxygen to your brain and stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, which promotes a state of calmness.

There are many different breathing techniques which help you feel connected to your body—these techniques help to bring your awareness away from your worries and quiets your mind.

Below are a couple techniques to follow. With the first one showing you to breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.

I would start with breathing in for 3 seconds hold for 3 seconds then out for 3 seconds. you can keep it there or you can add as much time as is comfortable for you.

Breathe In Breathe Out
figure Eight Breathing
Deep Breathing Star